... post338289

Moderátorok: VO101_Sheriff, VO101_Tom
ezt nehéz értelmezni...VO101_Tom írta:..azonos vagy jobb annál a modellnél, ami anno a NASA és a General Dynamics rendelkezésére állt a gép tervezésekor.
direkt link ha érdekel: ... 005879.pdf"Mav-jp can explain it much better, but he always says one thing which few people seem to realize. What you fly in BMS is not a simulation of the real thing. It is the real thing. Meaning, he did not study the effects and tried to see what would reproduce them. He just implemented the causes of the effects because the info was available. Copy & paste. And the effects caused are the ones observed in the real thing. As for real pilots, yes there are several Viper drivers on the team that confirm its authenticity.
"The F-16 flight model’s core developed for BMS (AFM) is mainly based on the NASA simulator developed at Langley in 1979. The Source can be found at NASA resource center (or clicking below): Nasa Technical Paper 1538 ( TP 1538 )
“Simulator Study of Stall / Post Sall Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane with Relaxed Longitudinal Static Stability”