Mission 1
Sunday 11-Sep-2016 : approx. 12:00 BST (= 1100z / UTC)
We aim to start the server at 12:00 London/UK TIme. This time is approximate as no-doubt there will be some last minute tweaks and tests. As a result, don't panic if there are some slight delays as we start-up. The first mission is a real mission, and it is part of the campaign, but it is also a last soak test and we might have some problems. Pilots should be aware of that, and that we might have a restart if there are issues.
But in the same way it is a test for us, it is also a test for you. This is a perfect opportunity for squads to test their spawn points, aircraft, assign joystick buttons, sort out key mappings, and practice flying. We know that many of you will not have flown CloD for a while, so please do NOT try out your return to the sim by flying (and crashing) a Spit IIa or 109 E4N.
Mission 1 is fully live, in that there will be the correct campaign starting parameters, correct aircraft stock and targets. Losses that occur in Mission 1 are permanent.
But in the same way it is a start-up, it is also a chance to carry out recon, and make the first tentative probes across the Channel to test the mettle of your adversaries. In the same way that the real Battle of Britain started cautiously at first, we have the same here.
Mission 2
Sunday 11-Sep-2016 : 18:00 BST (= 1700z / UTC)
With the first mission done, the second mission will be full-on. It will also be our first "Event" with triple points. We anticipate that the server will be busy (part of the motivation for Mission 1 is to ease players and server alike into the new campaign).
Any damage done in Mission 1 will still be there and, by now, the first re-supply stocks will have started arriving. We expect a lot of activity and a very exciting evening. However, once Mission 2 is running, the server will be switched over the automatic and will run continuously thereafter (problems aside!).
As an event, we will not be supporting individuals who are trying to get set-up. If you are worried about start-up issues, either do it in Mission 1, or contact your command team or squad leader.