A nagy kérdés, hogy közülünk kiket érdekelne ez? Kiknek, mennyi gépet igényeljek?
Itt az eredeti PM:
After a break to carry out development effort, we are now starting to prepare for Storm of War 4.0. On behalf of the Admin team, I am sending out reminders to the officers of each of the squads to pass on to their members to start checking the SoW forums to catch up on the recent developments and to be on the look out for announcements regarding the new campaign.
Also, I would like to draw to your attention that your squad has not yet "declared for a side" for SoW 4.0. In each campaign, we give units the opportunity to take sides (either Red for RAF; or Blue for Luftwaffe/Regia-Aeronautica). Although some units stay on the same side every time, there are also some that wish to switch over.
To declare for a side, go to http://stormofwar.org/?Page=squadronadmin which is where you will find your unit information. Select the "Declared for side" option as appropriate and submit it. (Either the CO or XO of a unit can do this.)
Also, please check that your other unit details are up-to-date and that you have got your members signed on. If you have any problems or need any help with this please let us know (another reason for doing this sooner, rather than later... to ensure everything is sorted out ahead of the campaign start).
Many thanks,
on behalf of the SoW Admin Team.